
Metamorphosis. Myth and modernity

Lectio magistralis by Luigi Zoja

Sunday 20 June 16:30
Sunday 20 June 16:30

Lectio magistralis by Luigi Zoja

The myth includes invariable psyche forms: thus, it appears to be the opposite of transformation. Ancient Greece used to treat with punishments those who wanted news, growth and wealth to the detriment of the original balance. Nonetheless, ancient Greece also invented cumulative knowledge. Therefore, the economic, military and technological expansion has contaminated the West, then the Earth. Nowadays, clashing again its limits, not only we strive for a modern sustainable economy, but we also rediscover emotions as ancient as Icaro’s fault.


Luigi Zoja

Psychoanalyst, former president of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP). Zoja has worked in Zurich, New York and Milan. His essays have been translated into fifteen languages. Among others, Il gesto di Ettore (2000), Paranoia. La follia che fa la storia (2011), Psiche (2015), published in Italy by Bollati Boringhieri.

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